Installing Fonts in Ubuntu

4:03 PM | with 0 comments »

Fonts can be downloaded from many websites for free like for e.g: or

So before writing this article I have downloaded 3 fonts from this 2 websites which are
The King & Queen Font
Bleeding Cowboys Font
Embossed Black Font

To install this fonts I first extracted all the .ttf files in one folder and then from the terminal I used this command

sudo cp *.ttf /usr/local/share/fonts/

and then this command

sudo fc-cache -f -v

Then all the above three fonts were available to me in Word Processor
The method I used to install the fonts makes the fonts available for all the users on my Computer including me but their is another method also which would make the font available to only those user who have install it.

Here is the method

Use this command in the Terminal

mkdir ~/.fonts {This command will create the folder in your Home directory}

The use this command form the folder where you have extracted the fonts

cp *.ttf ~/.fonts

Now we need to tell the system about the new fonts and in order to do that use this command

fc-cache -f -v ~/.fonts

Have Fun!

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