Installing Firefox 2 in Ubuntu 8.04

10:02 PM | , with 0 comments »

Ubuntu 8.04 is coming with Firefox 3 Beta version which I think is far more better then Firefox 2 but as it turns out that addons are not yet ready for this new version then therefore a guy like me{who depends on addons} is forced to install firefox 2 in Ubuntu

If you want to install Firefox 2 then follow this instructions.

Installing Firefox 2 will not uninstall Firefox 3 so don't worry and go ahead.

sudo apt-get install firefox-2

After the installation you will see 2 Firefox in your Internet menu, One is Firefox 3 and the other is Firefox 2 in which we can install our addons.

Then use this command in the terminal.

rm -rf ~/.mozilla {I was getting error messages while installing addons and therefore I have to use this command in order to delete all the saved preferences of Firefox 3}

One final step is remaining and that is to make our Firefox 2 the default Web Browser in Ubuntu otherwise when we try to open links from other applications like Liferea it will open in Firefox 3. I have found out that when the links are mistakenly opened in Firefox 3 then the addons gets disabled and I have to reinstall all the addons again after clearing the preferences.

To make Firefox 2 your default web browser then go to System>Preferences>Preferred Applications and then in the Internet Tab select custom and then in the Command box type firefox-2 %s then click on Close button and you are done.

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